May 6th, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 6


The people who make the Brite app reached out to me with a premium account to try their all-in-one service. I already have things in place for tasks, calendar, notes, etc, through other apps. I thought Brite would be the perfect app to track and journal Minimalist May progress.

My Brite setup will focus on my physical and mental health.

My habits and goals have been set up. Tasks and events for the goals, such as planned meditation and workout were set up yesterday. I’ve enjoyed the guided meditations, Pomodoro sessions and Brite Insights.

Thank you to Brite for supporting me. I plan to write an in-depth blog post about the app once I’ve spent at least a month with it.

If you have no idea what Brite is, I’ve made a quick speed run of the Brite app on my YouTube channel to show off some features.

Brite's Day page - A canvas for good habits.
Brite's Day page - A canvas for good habits.


I did surprisingly well today. There were moments where I thought I would cave in throughout the day because I was at home with nothing to do. Around 3PM, I decided to have a handful of grapes because I was hungry. No way would these grapes fill me up, but they helped me avoid going to the cupboard with all the snacks I should be avoiding. I believe today was a win in this sense. 


Nothing to report apart from avoiding any expenditure. I believe it is needed after yesterday’s financial dealings. 


Another big win. I had another day with no caffeine! I woke up to a cup of warm water. That’s it, no temptation whatsoever. What I find interesting is I did not experience the headache I went through yesterday. 

I’m not sure if it is withdrawal, but I have been clumsy throughout the day. Little things like walking into the kitchen table and knocking an empty cup off the living room table. One thing I have noticed is my skin is feeling better. However, this could be due to other lifestyle changes like improved sleep and better diet. 


I was back to my usual routine today. Press-ups and plank in the morning and evening. I played volleyball with my son for fifteen minutes around lunchtime. A 5K cross-training session topped off my evening. 


I was in bed by 9:45PM and woke up at 7:11AM. I believe I woke up briefly at 4:50AM and went immediately back to sleep. Since quitting caffeine altogether, I feel drowsy and drained. I’m now wanting to go to bed early. Before I stopped my four cups of coffee per day, I felt sleep was a chore. Now I look forward to bedtime.

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Mark @ CodeMacLife
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