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May 31st, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 31


Done, faite, fertig, tecta! Today is the last day of my WeblogPoMo2024 challenge. Although I have enjoyed the time writing my posts, I am happy to move on to future goals. There has been a lot to learn over the past month. I am grateful to have taken part in the challenge because it reignited my passion for writing, even when some days felt remarkably busy. So for one last time, here is a lowdown of how I spent my day.


Breakfast - Pot of porridge (how original)
Lunch - two slices of toast with low-fat spread.
Tea - fish, chips, and peas.


I spent big in comparison to other days. I'm going to be celebrating my 42nd year of existence in June. Knowing that the month will be relentless, I thought I would take my wife and son bowling this afternoon, and we enjoyed some Tango Slushies while we played. I spent a total of ÂŁ50 ($63) in the afternoon.

Another reason for my expenditure was the act of paying off my PayPal debt, which means I have no other debts besides my mortgage. Now it is time to save as much as I possibly can. I have certain targets I want to meet by this time next year.

Bowling at the Light Cinema (Stockport).


I went another day without caffeine. My wife bought me a jar of decaf Kenco coffee to celebrate tomorrow with. I'm longingly expecting for the moment. It’s all about the simple things in life. 


I completed 2x press-ups, 2x plank, 5K cross-trainer session and 30 minutes of basketball.

I will be trying to keep up with my fitness next month because I  have seen the benefits. Keeping up the routine will be the greatest challenge.


I went to bed early and managed to get a sleep-in this morning. The alarms on my phone were switched back on in preparation for next week's return to work.

What happens next?

I’ve decided to keep to the five areas I have been developing habits in during the whole of May. However, I would say diet and fitness will be my priorities for June. 

There are certain areas I feel I need to push myself more when it comes to fitness. I could certainly benefit from increasing the range of activities I take part in each day.

I plan to write a blog tomorrow, reflecting on the experience of each area. This will be posted here as well as on Medium blog. 


I would like to express my gratitude to all the those who followed me along the way, as well as those who stumble on to my blogs to read.

The act of blogging was made possible by using Scribbles for my blogging. I have enjoyed using the new blogging platform. After looking at the Tinylytics data, I managed to achieve 1645 hits to my blog and 84 kudos (likes) over the month of May. I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my new blog.

Too much sugar to end the month. Cheers!

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

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