May 3rd, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 3

A 4PM brew to push away the headache.
A 4PM brew to push away the headache.

Another day, another successful day in my mission to make the right cuts. Today was a busy one for me at work, resulting in my routine being put out of place.


Another day without snacking. I am impressed because I was too busy at lunch time to actually eat. I managed to get through the day on a porridge pot from the morning. I was busy enough to not focus on my hunger. Instead, I felt the hunger as I travelled home after work.  


Again, more success in this area. I did not spent a penny. There were no temptations either because I have a renewed focus to save my money as much as I can. This makes me cautiously optimistic because something usually happens that requires me to spend. 

With a busy day, I didn’t get time to have a coffee at 8AM. It wasn’t until 4PM that I was able to sit down for a coffee. The headache I endured during the day was awful. I kept to my bottle of water and sipped it periodically throughout the day. At least I have a healthy routine of keeping hydrated. 

I am noticing that my energy levels drop significantly around 10PM, so I ready for bed time, thirty minutes later. 


There is nothing to report here. I have been sticking to my routine. The only difference is I completed a 10K cross trainer session in the evening. I must space the time between eating and exercising because my stomach is not ready for the exercise. 


I didn’t have a good night’s sleep. I went to bed around 10:20PM last night. Unfortunately, I woke up at 3:25AM, 5AM and finally 6AM.

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Mark @ CodeMacLife
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