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May 22nd, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 22


Only nine days to go until the challenge is over. It couldn’t come quicker. However, there have been many triumphs along the way. Just today, I realised I am financially better off than I have been in a long time. 

I feel the weight loss focus is staling. I’m uncertain if I need to put more exercise in or reduce how much I am eating during my three meals of the day. Yesterday, I took note of the portion sizes because they appear to have increased steadily as each week has progressed. I wonder if this is my attempt of avoiding hunger between meals. Hunger is not a bad thing if I am eating consistently.  


Breakfast - Porridge pot
Lunch - SFC chicken, roast potatoes, sweetcorn and peas. 
Tea - Egg noodles because I want to reduce my intake. 


As I mentioned at the start, I am saving more month on month than before. Saving is my priority, especially with the goal of saving for a new car next year. I’m even thinking of scrapping the idea of getting a new iMac because I have my MacBook Air. 


I had another day without caffeine. What was different was the urge for actual caffeinated coffee came back this morning. I went straight to the warm water to avoid the urge of drinking coffee. 


I managed to get press-ups and 80 seconds of planking in during the evening. I forgot to do it in the morning because I was in a rush to get to work early. The traffic, currently, is awful during my morning commute. There are roadworks and a road closure to contend with. I also squeezed in a 5K cross-training session. 


I went to bed on time, but woke up around midnight because I remembered I had forgotten to lock the front door. Oh well.

Side note: Apple had a World Meditation Day challenge yesterday. I’m happy they are setting challenges for things other than physical health. Of course, I managed to achieve this badge. Another one in the bag!

The badge for Apple's World Meditation Day challenge.

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

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