May 14th, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 14


Today went better than expected after yesterday’s minor struggles. I appreciate the daily prompts from my Apple Watch to move more and complete my rings. It’s these little nudges that remind me of the goals I have set.

Closing the rings feels good.
Closing the rings feels good.


I treated myself to some brown toast with low-fat spread this morning. My body needed a change from the repetitive porridge pot I have been having. At lunchtime, I tucked into a gorgeous chicken tikka curry at work. As I already had meat for my midday meal, I opted for a Quorn chilli with rice in the evening. I’ve noticed I have been choosing more veggie options each day because I want to reduce the amount of meat I eat.


£25 of fuel was spent in the morning. When I checked my bank balance, it was noticeable to see I am doing better financially, month on month. Another win in the bag. 


Unlike yesterday, I had no urges or headaches, so I am grateful for not feeling rubbish. Decaf is definitely the future after speaking to a colleague who quit caffeine years ago. It gives me hope. 


My foot felt much better after I hurt it yesterday. I went for a small walk, played basketball and hit the weights. I will make sure I use my cross trainer tomorrow because I would rather not get out of the habit of using it. 


I’ve noticed I feel so much better in the morning if I get at least seven and a half hours of sleep. I pushed myself to get to bed on time. Currently, work is taking up a lot of my time and mind space. I am grateful for being able to switch off when it is time for bed.

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Mark @ CodeMacLife
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