May 11th, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 11

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Today was a warm day and I spent it completing a REC (Rescue Emergency Care) first aid course. The course was great. I had a laugh with my colleagues, who are always supportive. 


Porridge pot for breakfast, tandoori chicken roll for lunch and chicken salad for tea. There were no temptations today, even though I did plenty of physical activities throughout the day. 


Nothing to report. I didn’t spend a penny. 


Warm water around 10AM like I over the last two days. No temptations. Happy days like yesterday.  


I completed my press-ups and a one-minute plank in the morning as usual. The first aid course required me to perform various physical activities, which put a bit of strain on my knees. In the evening, I completed a 5K cross trainer session without any weight training. 


I slipped up on this one last night. The plan was to go to bed early because I had an all-day first aid course. However, I did not understand how addictive the Baby Reindeer Netflix drama was, and I spent too long watching three episodes.

I could have gone to bed immediately after watching Netflix. The problem was: I hadn't written a thing for my blog. I was able to post and share yesterday’s blog by 10:44PM. I went to bed at 11PM. This was not something I wanted to do. Never mind.

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

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