May 10th, 2024

Minimalist May - Day 10


I had a day off work to recharge my batteries. Being at home allows me to take a step back to see what is going on in my life. 


I eat less when I am at home. This is actually a great thing. I was able to keep my intake to a minimum. A small bowl of porridge in the morning, vegetable couscous lunch and spinach tortelloni for tea. Today was my veggie day. 


Being at home is always good for me because there are no temptations to spend, especially now as I have a few goals in mind. In the next year, I want to buy a new iMac and a car. Neither of these are cheap purchases. I need to be intentional with my spending right now.  


Warm water around 10AM like I did yesterday. No temptations. Happy days.  


I went for a mindfulness walk this morning. It is basically a walk, but you take notice of the surrounding things. There was a lot to take in from the smells, noises and things I could see around me. I spent a good three minutes watching bees working away, collecting pollen from a nearby plant.


Luckily, I got a good night’s sleep. Maybe this is why I felt relaxed and energetic today. I need the energy because I am spending Saturday at work because I will be completing a paediatric first aid course. 

My post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Mark @ CodeMacLife
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