May 6th, 2024

Maybe Todoist isn’t the answer


My month with Todoist has gone relatively well. I have ranked up with Karma points, reaching professional quickly. Most of my goals were met within the predicted timeline, too. My bet was on Todoist to boost my focus and manage all the areas of my life. Unfortunately, that bet was in vain.

My weekly completed goal in Todoist.

I noticed Todoist’s natural language processing has got better since I last used it. In addition, scheduling a recurring task from a specific date in the future is a lot easier to configure. Previously, I had to explore forums and tweets to know what exactly I need to create a recurring task with specific boundaries. 

As much as I am enjoying the experience and cleanness of the app, there is something I can’t overlook. 

Synchronising across devices is still an issue for me. There have been three significant moments where the created task has not synced across to all of my devices. This is not helpful for me when I have so much to do. 

Just this morning, I completed two important tasks with subtasks through my phone. When I went onto my MacBook, I noticed the tasks were still there, as well as tasks that were not appearing on my phone. 

I don’t need this hassle in my life right now. Is it too much to ask for a reliable task manager? 

I looked in the completed tasks area to see I had already completed the culprit tasks, so why were they still appearing? 

I work in a school where the amount of work requires a solid system to management my endless list of things to do. What I do impacts my students and I don’t want to let them down. Having something reliable to manage my tasks is so essential to me right now. 

I chose Todoist because it freed me from Apple Reminders and there was an Apple Watch app, which I navigate my tasks through during the working day. There is a moment in the day when I can sit down at my desktop to review how I have got on. Todoist is great on the desktop. Their quick capture is perfect for me.

I think for now, I will have to revert to Apple Reminders until I can find something else. Oh well. At least I was open to trying.

Mark @ CodeMacLife
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