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May 26th, 2024

I cancelled my plan

Scribbles' landing page

I cancelled my plan today. There’s nothing wrong with the service. So why have I stopped using for my blogging? Cost and time are the two main reasons.

Firstly, I recently acquired a lifetime account with to host my blogging. The one-off cost will have paid for itself in the next two years. I know I will require a website and blog past these first two years. Financially, it makes sense to reduce my costs as much as possible.

Another fact is the time to maintain two blogs, which I simply do not have time to do. Moreover, how would I separate the content? I am all about minimising outputs to focus on a select few interests. By posting on Scribbles and importing to Medium, I am reducing the amount of time I have to spend on maintaining several places.

Another factor - Scribbles is a minimalist’s dream. It is simple to use and visually pleasing for me to use each day. has multiple themes, plugins, a book feature and many more cross-platform integrations. I didn’t use most of the features had to offer. Scribbles has the right number of tools I need - text and photos. Obviously, there’s the formatting elements, but my main interest in text and photos.

Lastly, Squarespace / Google have my domain name held hostage. I deleted my Google Workspace account without realising my Google domains account is linked to it. I have no way to gain access to my domain details. Furthermore, I tried contacting both of them, but I didn’t get the answer I required (or an actual response).

I enjoyed my time using and it’s sad I can’t use both. Here’s to the future with Scribbles!

Mark @ CodeMacLife
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